
Showing posts from February, 2011

DD-WRT Mac address clone resets itself upon startup

I have a Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH modem and I run DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/07/10) std on it. everything is perfect except I need to have my old router's mac address to keep my old IP address assigned from my ISP. There is a solution in DD-WRT for this in WEB interface > SETUP > MAC address clone where I can change it and it fixes it . However the problem is for some reason or because of a bug, Buffalo forgets MAC address every time it is rebooted or at a power lost and I need to go this address and click apply again to change it back to the desired MAC address. My solution to avoid this is easy: 1) Go to Web interface > Administration> Commands 2) Paste this: nvram set wan_hwaddr="12:40:CC:11:00:00" stopservice wan startservice wan Not that: "12:40:CC:11:00:00" is my MAc address and you need to type your own there! 3) Click Save Startup Next time when you reboot your Modem , or after a power lost you will have the desired mac address set.