
Showing posts from 2010

Computer Lags but not because of CPU Usage

I had some problems for a while with my laptop about things getting slowing down while I was using my pc.Normally, slow downs occur if the CPU usage is very high and normally I use Task Manager to see what's going on.The interesting thing is when I open the task manager I see some processes using high CPU and I kill them , suddenly another process starts using CPU higher..after a while killing all the processes I end up with Task Manager and task manager uses massive CPU, obviously these processes were not using this much CPU. The first thing came to my mind is a driver problem.But how could I find it and prove which driver was it ? Normally you can do debugging and all kind of stuff to track down the problem but it's a massive work. I was searching the net I found this utility: great tool, showed me the lag and intervals so that while I was running this program I went to device manager to disable drivers one by one to see whic...

jailbroken iphone 3gs won't boot

today I had to restart my jailbroken iphone because it was getting slow.I was surprised when it didn't boot and stuck while loading the OS.I was lucky that I was using verbose boot thing so that i was able to see what was going problem was related to some fsck error during the boot. I tried hard to capture what was the error message because it was restarting quickly after that step.I used to use linux system and thought that the problem was with a corrupted unix filesystem however it wasn't.After doing some googling i found that thousands of people had this problem and looks like thousands of will have.Some clever guy had found that the problem was because of an update to /sbin directory from the jailbreak community (cydia/rock etc.) . and used one of the jail break programs with some customization to restore the sbin directory. That way you don't need to restore and start everything from square one.Also you won't loose any data. The blog of this guy and the more ...

don't mess with your users

If you get an error related to your user after restoring , mirroring db. etc. Run this: sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', N'XXXXXX' where XXXXXX= your username, run this under the DB which that user belongs.

sql server 2008 database mirroring gotchas

One day if you try to configure sql server for mirroring without domain accounts you may come across with a few problems.such as this error message: Database mirroring connection error 4 'An error occurred while receiving data: '10054(An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote "alter failed for database" The server network address can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. The server network address "%.*ls" can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. Error messages differs but the problem is sql servers principal and mirror should trust each other. On the net there are various resources how to configure this via certificates etc. but if you are in a hurry to test something quick try this on your mirror: run on master database if not exists( select * ...